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Customized suits, uniforms, professional clothes, and important precautions

2021-12-17 01:37:54

Many industries require suits to work, such as hotels, shopping malls, banks, insurance, real estate, property management, and so on. In order to completely unify the clothing style, they will choose to customize professional clothes, uniforms, and suits. To ensure that the customized clothing can meet the requirements of the enterprise, what should be paid attention to? Learn together!

Compared with the purchase of ready-made clothes, more and more companies prefer to choose Guangzhou professional clothing customization. Why is that? If you want to buy a dress, you should first make clear about ordering and buying.

1、 Customized professional clothing has strong durability. At present, the enterprises with the largest number of purchases are also four sets per employee per year on average, and one set of clothes needs to be worn every day, and every time it is worn, it is a year. The requirements for clothing are very high. Therefore, in terms of clothing materials and technology, special attention should be paid to durability and practicality. In addition, professional clothing should also be taken into account when wearing in informal work, which is generally not considered in ready-to-wear production.

2、 The cost of customized professional clothes is low. After all, suits and shoes are an expense of the purchasing unit. No matter which unit claims that it doesn't care about money, the budget is still very strict. And the price of ready-to-wear is generally higher than that of the same class of professional uniforms.

In view of the characteristics of professional clothing, it is decided that the production organization mode of professional clothing should be one-on-one customization mode for everyone in the enterprise. The "one-to-one" customization mode is fundamentally different from the standardized ready-to-wear production mode. It can be seen that buying ready-to-wear will be a very dangerous thing!

3、 Special requirements for customized professional clothing (enterprise logo). Professional clothing must be specially designed or selected for your own unit. It is difficult for ready-made clothing to have ready-made products that exactly meet the requirements of your own unit.


4、 Men and women coexist. Occupational clothing must have men's and women's clothing, which can be worn by both men and women in enterprises. At present, none of the ready-to-wear enterprises can guarantee to produce good men's and women's clothing products at the same time. However, the procurement of men's clothing enterprises and women's clothing enterprises will increase the difficulty of operation (dual procurement process, dual after-sales service, and dual risk), and will also cause psychological imbalance between men and women employees.

5、 Easy to operate. Professional clothing is applicable to the workplace. Whether you choose suits, shirts or uniforms, you must ensure that the clothing is not affected, which has not been fully considered in the clothing.

6、 Full size coverage of customized suits. Employees have a variety of body shapes and sizes. Generally, ready-made clothes are only available in sizes 5-10. The data shows that even men's wear size 4 can only cover about 90% of customized professional wear (and it is not suitable for wearing). Therefore, more high-grade professional clothing should adopt the mode of tailoring.

7、 Service is essential. Buying professional clothing requires a lot of service support. For example, improper handling of clothes, replenishment of new employees (or damaged clothes), distribution of products by department, etc. All these things can't be done if you buy ready-to-wear clothes, because the ready-to-wear enterprises do not need to set up such service departments, and there are no specialized professionals to track a customer.

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